We would like your assistance with the committees within our organization. The vision for the committees and the coordination of efforts are outlined below. Information gathered by the committees will be shared at the monthly general meetings. If you would like to become involved and share your time and talents, please contact SMSKA.
Beach Watch: to watch for unruly conduct, illegal activity, and any confrontations on or around the Englewood Public Beach area and surrounding beach. Members involved with this committee are asked to attend some or all of the Beaches and Shores Advisory Committee (BSAC) meetings for Charlotte County the first Thursday of every month at the 9am in the Murdock Administration Center, Port Charlotte.
Environmental: to identify and pursue issues that relate to the healthy environment of the area. Members involved with this committee are asked to attend some or all of the Environmentally Sensitive Lands Oversight Committee (ESLOC) meetings for Charlotte County quarterly on the third Monday of January, March, September, and November 3pm in the Centennial Park recreation center, Port Charlotte.
The Englewood Water District should also be part of information gathered. They conduct Board meetings the first Thursday of every month at 8:30am in 201 Selma Avenue Boardroom, Englewood
The Florida Department of Environmental Protection updates should also be monitored. This can be done by signing up for email updates and reviewing the website.
Membership: to maintain and increase the membership of SMSKA.
Neighborhood Watch: to keep us aware of anything that is not in keeping with our vision for the Key and safety of our residents. Maintain a relationship with our community Police Officer.
Parks and Recreation Committee: to help us keep our areas for public use clean and safe while promoting county sponsored sport and recreational programs. Members involved with this committee are asked to attend some or all of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board meetings for Charlotte County on the first Wednesday of every month except for July and Aug at 1pm in Centennial Park, Port Charlotte.
Public Relations: to collect, edit, and publish articles that are of interest to the membership in newsletter format; to work with the Web Master to manage website, Facebook page and email alerts.
Social: to foster community among members by planning and organizing events such as biannual picnic, and other events. Provide refreshments for our general meetings.
Beautification of the Roundabout: to help maintain the beauty and appeal of our commercial area entrance onto the Key.
The following committees include members who are appointed by Charlotte County Commissioners and must be full time residents of Manasota and/or Sandpiper Key:
Manasota Sandpiper Key Street and Drainage MSTU